Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques | Example Analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques | Example Analysis This work aims to perform a thematic qualitative data analysis of scripts entitled Is abortion right or wrong? A commentary on qualitative data analysis techniques will be discussed and an interpretation of findings from the scripts (Appendix 1-3) presented. A conclusion summarising the main findings will then be drawn. Qualitative Data Analysis It is the range of processes and procedures whereby qualitative data has been put in some form of explanation, understanding or interpretation to search for general statements about relationships among categories of data (Burns and Grove, 2002). Techniques Qualitative methodologies are identified by Glaser and Strauss (1967) as non statistical techniques that researchers use inductive logic to analyse yield correlations that are difficult to translate. Content Analysis Researchers state that this is the simplest and most popular methodology. According to Carley (1990) it is the systematic description of behaviour by asking who, what, where and how questions. It can also be argued that the process is much more mechanical with the analysis being left until data is collected. Gibbs (2002) further highlight that the researcher then systematically works through each transcript assigning codes, which may be in numbers or words. Thematic Analysis According to Miles and Huberman (1994) data is analysed by themes and highly inductive themes emerge from data. Data collection and analysis takes place simultaneously and prior background reading and knowledge on the topic can help to explain an emerging theme. Strauss and Corbin (1998) highlight that thematic analysis aims to understand data rather than know it. The main aim is to end up with key themes that describe the essence of the study. Although it provides meaningful structure and non insightful information it is time consuming. Strauss and Corbin (1998 p180) highlight that grounded theorists refer to the point when no new themes are being identified as theoretical saturation. When and how saturation is reached depends on the text complexity and the researchers experience. More experienced researchers are likely to reach saturation later than novices. Wilson and Hutchinson (1996 p 123) also warn against premature closure where the researcher fails to move beyond the face value of the content in the narrative. Comparative Analysis Finlay (2002) describes it as a logical and non statistical methodology. Data is compared and contrasted and the process continues until the researcher is satisfied that no new issues are emerging. Comparative analysis is often used with thematic analysis. The researcher works backwards and forwards, constantly revisiting notes and research literature. Discourse Analysis Researchers refer to it as complex and confusing. It was developed by social constructionists and is commonly used in cognitive psychology. According to Potter (1996) it is also called conversational analysis, a method that look at the pattern of speech, how particular words are used and how people take turns in conversation. Discourse analysis performs an action rather than describe a specific state of affairs and analysis is intuitive and reflective (Potter, 1996). Triangulation Analysis Involves strengthening by combining insights from both qualitative and quantitative analyses. According to Gibbs (2007), it contributes to the investigators efforts to achieve information. Myers (2002) however argues that, there are major concerns with reliability and validity in triangulation and qualitative data. How does one account for good or bad day interviews? This has been criticised by some researchers, for there is no way to evaluate precision on the investigators judgement. Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software New qualitative data analysis software programmes are now available for computer analyses. The Non Numerical Unstructured Data Indexing, Searching and Theorising (QSRS NUD*IST) software is a popular programme. Lewins and Silver (2007), however argue that, although computers save time, they stop the researcher from becoming familiar with the data. As also highlighted by Alexa and Zuell (2000), a computer can undertake these processes but it cannot think, judge or interpret qualitative data. Themes The current parity between prolife and prochoice camp is mirrored in the respondents views on abortion. Given the attitude of people on abortion and the dominant images they have on prolife and prochoice, several themes can be traced for communication. Abortion is wrong in all circumstances (Prolife) Christians and most religious peoples views on abortion are much more in line with the Church and religion teachings that abortion is wrong. The profile sentiment in the respondents views is very much evident among all scripts. The official church doctrine does not allow abortion, the underlying dimension of religion being the most predictive of its position on abortion. As stated by Respondent 1 abortion is murder of helpless innocent babies. Respondent 3 further supports Respondent 1 highlighting that, God is the giver of life and should be the only one to take it. There seem to be an undoubted consensus that abortion is wrong as also highlighted by Respondents 2 and 5 who both quote Thou shalt not kill from the Bibles Ten Commandments. Respondent 6 sums up this up nicely stating that, whether raped or not, life is life, no one has the right to take it away. Respondents 1, 2, 4 and 7 also express the view that, the process of abortion is a painful, dangerous procedure that poses a substantial risk to a womans physical and mental well being. Abortion is right in all circumstances (Prochoice) Abortion is a discourse promoted by prochoice movement. Feminists argue that it is an affirmation of womens rights to control their bodies. As Respondent 1 captures, It is a womans right to choose what happens to her body it is her body not the legislators or the Churchs. It can also argue that the foetus is part of her body and utterly depends on her for viability. Respondent 2 further highlights that, Only the voice of the pregnant woman should put her future into perspective. Respondents 1,2,4,5 and 7 partly share the same view that society should not judge or blame any woman who chooses to have an abortion. The respondents clearly bring out that abortion is a paradigm, the ultimate paradigm of right or wrong. Middle of the road (Prolife/Prochoice) One striking finding from the analysis is that, some respondents agree to abortion despite being in the profile camp. Respondents 1, 2,3,5,6 and 7 all state that they agree to abortion when the unborn child poses a substantial threat to the mothers life and also in rape or incest. The respondents also highlight that abortion should be considered in gross congenital abnormalities. Respondent 5 further states that, abortion can be morally accepted only when an unborn baby is suffering from a serious illness or disability. These factors together with the fact of multiculturalism in the United Kingdom may partly explain how peoples attitude and views has varied over the years and how the balance is consistently favouring abortion rights. Conclusion The themes identified illustrate the multiple influences on peoples attitude and behaviour with regards to abortion. Although many issues were raised, there were specific elements of culture and religion that shaped the respondents views. Television Plays a Positive Role in Society | Statement Assessment Television Plays a Positive Role in Society | Statement Assessment TV plays a very important role in the building of a society. TV has changed the societies of world so much that we cant ignore its importance. First of all we have to know what the media is. TV is a source of information or communication and media plays a very significant role in everyones life. In todays modern society, media has become a very big parts of our life. Its duty is to inform, educate and entertain. TV like a bridge between the governing bodies and general public. It is a powerful and flexible tool that influences the public to a great extent. TV is the voice of the voiceless and a great force in building the nation. However, although there are some positive effects of media on people, there are also many negative effects of media on people. For example, respect for life, bad influence on children and hurting celebrities intentionally. Although there are some positive effects of TV on people, there are also many negative effects of TV on children. For example, respect for life, bad influence on children and hurting celebrities intentionally. Since the birth of communication, media has been used to convey information to those willing to absorb it. Beginning with publications and simple spoken words, and soaring to new heights in the twentieth century with radio, television, and the internet, media have been made accessible to people in every aspect of their daily lives. With such a strong hold on modern society, mass media have been able to shape popular culture and often influence public opinion. However, when abused, the power of tv can harm the general population. Biased media tend to make people strive to be someone elses idea of perfect while subconsciously ignoring their own goals. Stereotypes formed by the media that include thin, tanned women, and wealthy, muscular men have led to a decline in self-acceptanc e. The majority of media today often present the perfect body to the public, hoping that consumers will strive to achieve fitness using a certain product or idea. While this form of advertising may somewhat increase a products market share, many people suffer from inner conflicts as a result of failure to achieve the body of a top athlete or fashion model. Along with emotional conflicts, those influenced by the tv have encountered physical problems, including bulimia, anorexia, and the employment of harmful dietary plans. Unless reality is discerned from what is presented in certain media, some people will continue to suffer. Consumers could find the truth more easily if tv offered products advertised by normal people without all the extra glamor. In addition to this, if the public could view advertising only as something to get ones attention and not a portrayal of how one should look, there would be fewer problems. Until either is accomplished, the negative effects will be felt by the vulnerable, and companies will continue to make their money. Those consumers given a false impression about a product through various forms of media are the ones who suffer most from our societys portrayal of the perfect body. After being influenced by a television commercial or a magazine pictorial, certain people in this world will purchase an item hoping that the same success shown in the medium will be had by them as well. Mentally, some may feel an improvement but in reality nothing has changed. Realization of this leads to the demise of many individuals self pride. The severity of both the mental and physical damage done to the person depends on the case. Some may resort to extreme diets, more unnecessary spending, or a decline in social activity. The mental effects of the tvs portrayal of the perfect body can cause people to resort to unhealthy methods of losing weight to attain that athletic look that so many desire. Such conditions that can occur from trying to lose weight too fast are bulimia and anorexia. Bulimia is a food disorder caused by mental insecurities (Larsen, Joanne). Doctors recommend that bulimic people see a psychiatrist because the illnesss symptoms, including compulsive exercise, taking laxatives, and throwing up, can cause ones body to become short on electrolytes, which is extremely unhealthy (Larsen, Joanne). Anorexia is a similar condition in which one loses exorbitant amounts of weight often by eating very little and vomiting what minute amount of food that is actually consumed (Mathias ). In one extreme case, a young woman lost an incredible thirty pounds in a period of a month (Mathias ). Because of the constant binging and purging, ones metabolism becomes abnormal and one puts on large amounts of w eight by hardly eating anything (2). In the past, both men and women (predominately men) who were slightly overweight used a fat burning drug known as Redux. It was designed for obese individuals, but the off-label use of such drugs began rampant due to advertising techniques by the manufacturers (Lawsuit). Many people, including doctors, who were slightly overweight used the drug and have experienced pulmonary hypertension, valvular heart disease, and neurotoxicity (Lawsuit). Other drugs, such as steroids, have been widely proven to cause brain cancer, stunted growth, and shrinkage of the testes (Mathias ). Many student-athletes use these performance enhancers in an attempt to become as muscular as the men often portrayed by media. This problem is also present in female teenagers as well. To some girls, steroid use is comparable to diet pills and laxatives (2). The abuse of these drugs is partly a result of inaccurate advertising as well as the young persons desire to look and perform as well as the superstars shown in various forms of media. How can a fifteen year-old be like Mike without shooting up a performance enhancing steroid into his arm? The bottom line is that he can not. If TV were encouraged to present products in ordinary situations by ordinary people, there would be fewer negative effects as a result of advertising. Consumers might realize that an article of clothing is not meant solely for slender women but can be enjoyed by people of all sizes. The products may not necessarily sell because of their sexy advertisements, but rather because of the appearance of the items themselves. In the long run more customers would buy the product simply because it appeals to them. There would not be as many disillusioned people, and possibly some of the harmful activities done to lose weight could cease. If manufacturers would agree to this, it could help them financially as well. For example, in the Redux case, glamorous advertising cost the company millions of dollars in lawsuits and brand name recognition. If the product had been aimed only at seriously overweight people as the drug was originally intended, less money would have been lost, and the company c ould still haveitsgoodname. The bottom line is that people should make up their minds that they will not be negatively influenced by the media. In doing this, the public can view tv for what it truly is-a means of conveying information or supplying entertainment. Good common sense should tell a woman that the overly attractive person in an advertisement is a model and should be admired for her beauty; all women are not required to look like her to be attractive. The process of differentiating fact from fiction in advertising can not be described on paper. It can only happen in peoples minds, one at a time. As long as this method of advertising continues to sell products for companies, there will still be the gorgeous woman bouncing around ones television screen with a Marlboro in her hand and a Versace evening gown covering very little of her body. Although there is no direct solution to ending personal suffering due to the images put in front of the American population, there is a starting point. Companies can still successfully sell products without beautiful babes. Also, if certain media can be viewed for entertainment purposes only, people can enjoy the beautiful bodies before them. However, if some still model themselves after Cindy Crawford or Tom Cruise, they will keep failing to meet their extremely high personal goals. The medias negative grip on society can be greatly decreased if people remember just one thing what is on television is only an advertisement. To sum up, the effects of tv cannot be underestimated. They reach far into the foundation of the childs relationship to the world. They affect the childs values, their relationship to and estimation of other people, their relationship to themselves, their perception of reality. Even childrens programs, cartoons and education shows are not only violent in some cases, but they expose the child to behaviour that both shows lack of reverence and respect for other people, or encourages awareness of self image, which jars the child into growing up before her time. Not to mention the enormous impact and very researched field of the short-term and long-term effects of violence in the tv. Even regardless of the content watched, television, films and computer games are addictive, impoverish creativity and imagination, as well as keeping them sitting in front of a screen instead of moving and playing(Winn, Marie,2002). I think, tv can be a huge challenge to avoid exposing young children and babies to it because the tv is so much part of modern life. One thing that helps immensely is to start by weaning oneself from it. Try to watch less TV, and to sing and learn to play an instrument instead of only listening to music, and be selective and attentive to content when playing music around the child.
Monday, January 20, 2020
God Exists :: Descartes Philosophy Religion Essays
God Exists The existence of God has been a question since the idea of God was conceived Descartes tries to prove God's existence, and to show that there is without a doubt something external to ones own existence. He is looking for a definite certainty, a foundation for which he can base all of his beliefs and know that they are true. Descartes' overall project is to find a definite certainty on which he can base all his knowledge and beliefs. Descartes attacks the principles that support everything he believes with his Method of Doubt. The Method of Doubt is Descartes' method of fundamental questioning in which he doubts everything that there is the slightest reason to doubt. Think about it like this. Almost everything you believe to be true comes from the senses or through the senses. However, the senses are sometimes deceptive. Since the senses are not completely trustworthy, it is irrational to place complete trust in them. However, it is no small leap of faith to presume that everything our senses tell us is false. In fact, it seems almost absurd to say such a thing. Nevertheless, as Descartes points out, we have dreams regularly and in these dreams, everything we experience is a figment of our imagination, or at least not real in the physical sense. So, it is reasonable to doubt everything our senses tell us, for the time being. Now, using similar logic, we can say that everything we have learned from physics, astron omy, medicine, and other such fields are all doubtful. Descartes even believed we could say that such simple, logical statements as 2+3 = 5 or a square has 4 sides could be conceived to be false. "Since I judge that others sometimes make mistakes in matters that they believe they know most perfectly, may I not, in like fashion, be deceived every time I add two and three or count the sides of a squareâ⬠¦" We are now at the point where we are doubting everything - the world around us, that we have a body, and anything else that we could possibly believe. Perhaps I even doubt that I exist myself. In doing this, I am in the act of doubting. How can I doubt something if I do not exist? Similarly, maybe I am deceived into thinking I do not exist by some other entity. Then I must exist for it is I who is being deceived.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Vacant Chapter 3 Involved
ââ¬Å"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, Ethan.â⬠She's wrapped tightly in one of my towels, and I feel aâ⬠¦ stirring. I wonder if she understands she's half-naked in front of a stranger. I try not to be obvious in my perusal of her form; her body is small, but her tits are high, round, and a little large for her frame, though no complaints. I briefly wonder what her nipples look like, and lick my lips but catch myself before my ogling turns creepy. ââ¬Å"It's no problem,â⬠I answer hastily, refusing to look further at her. I stop short before making my next statement. No matter how much I tell myself to mind my own business, I can't seem to help dispensing advice. ââ¬Å"You know, you can't live without utilities, Emily.â⬠I wonder where this girl comes from that she thinks living with no water or electricity isn't a problem; my level of concern is now elevated a notch or two. ââ¬Å"I know, but ââ¬â â⬠she stops herself. ââ¬Å"Yeah, I know.â⬠I have this feeling that there's something off here, and I can't ignore the fact she seems to be without essentials. ââ¬Å"I typically shower in the morning, so if you want to come over at night and shower until you get the utilities turned on, that's cool.â⬠I turn away, wanting to give her privacy to dress because she needs to get dressed; I need her to get dressed. ââ¬Å"So like, what do you do all day?â⬠I can hear the snap of the elastic on her panties against her hip as she finishes putting them on. Shit, these duplex units are too small! Or is my hearing that good? I can't help the thoughts that run through my head. Thinking about her body is a complication I do not need or want. However, chiding myself doesn't stop me from picturing the slight curve of her hips, her shapely thighs, or perfectly muscled backside. ââ¬Å"I go to work,â⬠I snap, feeling guilty. Seconds later, her voice is right behind me. ââ¬Å"Oh yeah? Where do you work?â⬠Her tone is light and her remark impulsive. ââ¬Å"I need to get a job.â⬠I turn so we're face to face and she can see my eyes. Sometimes, emotion seeps out through the eyes. I don't want her to see any vulnerability in mine. Once you're seen as weak, people are quick to take advantage. ââ¬Å"I work down at the grocery store.â⬠She smiles and looks down. She doesn't want me to see her eyes. ââ¬Å"That's really close, so I could walk there. You think they're hiring?â⬠ââ¬Å"Don't know.â⬠I have to keep it uncomplicated. Expanding on my answers will only lead to pulging more than I intend to offer. We stare at each other for a few more seconds before I break the silence. ââ¬Å"Well, I ââ¬â ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I've done it again. You must have to get ready for your day. I come barging in here and ruin your routine!â⬠ââ¬Å"It's fine; I just have to take a cold shower before work.â⬠The words are heavy in the air. They aren't meant as they sound as I'm sure she's used all the hot water in the small hot water tank, but after thinking about her showering and changing in my bathroom, perhaps a cold shower for another reason isn't a bad idea. ââ¬Å"Yeah, okay. I'll see you later.â⬠Greatâ⬠¦ now, she thinks I'm a pervert. I don't see her for two days. . . And for 48 hours, I worry. ââ¬â Don't get involved. Keep things simple. Take care of yourself! DAMN IT! It's 10 p.m., and I can't stand it anymore. I know something isn't right. No utilities, no furniture, wears the same clothes, and I can hear her. I hear the sobbing every night through the thin-ass sheetrock. ââ¬Å"Emily,â⬠I say in a slightly raised voice. Fucking non-existent walls. ââ¬Å"Yeah?â⬠she sniffles. ââ¬Å"Can I come over?â⬠The pause seems to go on forever before she answers. It's a ââ¬Å"yesâ⬠mingled with sobs. Don't get involved. Keep things simple. Take care of yourself! It's too late. . . I sit on the edge of her mattress not knowing what to do. ââ¬Å"Thanks for coming over. Nightsâ⬠¦they're the hardest.â⬠ââ¬Å"Emily? What's going on? Tell me the truth. I'm not going to rat you out or anything.â⬠I chance a look at her face and the fear is evident. I refuse to focus on her in her thread bare tank and panties. ââ¬Å"You're not renting this place, are you?â⬠I surmise aloud. I think I've known this for some time but just didn't want to admit it. Admitting it makes it real. Making it real means I'm stuck; I can't walk away now, realizing what I know. ââ¬Å"Please! Please don't tell anyone!â⬠She's frantic, on the edge of mania. I scoot closer in hopes of easing her. Not too long after I moved into my first group home, the baseball my father gave me when I was seven, got stolen. It was one of the few personal items I owned. A staff from the group home tried to comfort me when I discovered it was missing by hugging me and patting my hair. I attempt to mimic the same gestures for Emily, because it's the only comfort I know. She clings to me like a lost swimmer gripping a buoy in an endless sea. Finally, she quiets and the knot in my stomach comes back. I know I have to find out what's really going on. I need to press her for more information since it seems I'm intent on helping her. ââ¬Å"Tell me.ââ¬
Friday, January 3, 2020
Research Reports And Annual Reports From Auxiliary Sources...
Discussion Research reports and annual reports from auxiliary sources have been thought seriously about while gathering information. The systems utilized amid the information investigation phase of the research task included enlightening insights, for example, mean, standard deviation and extent, recurrence appropriations and rates, Michael Blanding in 2011 spoke to certain disturbing actualities on CSR and corporate sustainability responsibility execution. He said that organizations are currently uncovering their report on CSR about environmental foot shaped impression, business rehearses and so forth like never before out of the pressure made by partners like shoppers, financial specialists and common society. That is the reason as per Harvard Business School it is currently getting to be compulsory in making ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) straightforward. As indicated by Yale s EPI (Environmental Performance Index) in 2012 positioned India to 125th position among the 132 nations and that too in the last classification called the Weakest Performers. To bolster the certainty it must be said that a study directed by Lancet in 2010 observed India to be the world s fifth most astounding executioner regarding outside air pollution. There is an alternate picture that has been attracted because of a research called Greendex that has been led by National Geographic collaborating with GlobeScan, which is fourth year, to gauge and screen purchaser progress towardsShow MoreRelatedExpensess Were Divided Into Operating Expenses And Nonoperating Expenses?1653 Words à |à 7 Pagesbased on the numerical data that was provided by the University of Georgiaââ¬â¢s Annual Financial Report (2016b). From the calculations, it was determined that ninety-eight percent of the cost came from the operating expenses. 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